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The Future of Cyber Security: 2022 Predictions by Darktrace

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Jan 2022
Jan 2022
Discover cyber security predictions for 2022 by Darktrace's experts. Learn how to navigate future cyber threats and enhance your security strategy!

2021 brought some of the most significant cyber-attacks in history – from the Kaseya supply chain ransomware attack to cyber-criminals attempting to poison the water supply in Florida, to the already infamous Log4Shell vulnerability.

Darktrace cyber and AI experts spent the year not only delivering various crucial AI innovations in the defensive cyber security space, but also advising over 6,500 organizations around the world on how to use this AI to fight back against sophisticated attacks in the wild – and win.

So, we asked our experts, what does 2022 have in store for cyber security?

“Software supply chain attacks become a given in 2022.”

Justin Fier, Director of Cyber Intelligence & Analytics

Our security research uncovered that the most attacked industry in 2021 was the information technology (IT) and communications sector, whereas, in 2020, it was the financial services industry. This shift may not be surprising given the high-profile software supply chain attacks on SolarWinds, Kaseya, GitLab, and, most recently, the uncovered vulnerability ‘Log4Shell’ embedded in a widely used software library that left billions of devices exposed.

Attackers see software and developer infrastructure, platforms, and providers as an entry vector into government, corporations, and critical infrastructure. Threat actors will embed malicious software throughout the software supply chain, including proprietary source code, developer repositories, open-source libraries, and more. We will likely see further supply chain attacks against software platforms and further publicized vulnerabilities.

They will also advance their email attacks to more directly hijack the communications chain with supplier account hijacks to send spear phishing emails from genuine, trusted accounts, as we saw in the November 2021 FBI account takeover.

If attackers can embed themselves at the beginning of the development process, organizations will have to detect and stop the attacker after they have gotten through. This threat reinforces the need for security to be integrated earlier in the development process and the importance of quickly containing attacks to prevent business disruption. Since these are multi-stage attacks, organizations can use AI at every step to contain and remediate the threat.

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“Ransomware in 2022: more of the same, but different.”

Marcus Fowler, Director of Strategic Threat

In parallel to the global pandemic, there has been a growing ransomware pandemic. Our researchers discovered that the number of attacks on US organizations tripled in 2021 compared to 2020, and attacks on UK organizations doubled.

This crisis brought 30 nations together to discuss a counter-ransomware initiative focused on cryptocurrency regulation, security resilience, attack disruption, and international cyber diplomacy. Despite these landmark policy efforts, even if government pressures force ransomware groups to disband or criminally charge ransomware gangs, they will continue to rebrand and crop back up with even more sophisticated techniques and capabilities.

If we let ransomware permeate, attackers will likely evolve techniques in 2022 and may target cloud service providers, and backup and archiving providers. There will come a time when this is no longer seen as a cyber inconvenience – when organizations can’t just stand there and take it anymore. Critical infrastructure organizations and businesses alike will continue to assess how quickly they can restore operations in the aftermath of an attack and how long they will be able to rely on cyber insurers to cover ransom payments and costly systems repairs.

If playing defense against ransomware is not sustainable, what is the answer? Eventually, organizations will build systems to withstand cyber-attacks. In the meantime, organizations need security software that learns, makes micro-decisions, and takes proportional responses to detect and stop attacks early enough, before data exfiltration or encryption occurs.

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“Human and AI relationships will improve with explainability.”

Max Heinemeyer, Director of Threat Hunting

Defenders have applied AI to the existential threat of cyber-attacks for nearly a decade now, from detecting threats to using autonomous micro-decision making to respond to attacks at machine speed. The breakthroughs in helping security teams perform at their most optimal state may not be through those advanced mathematical algorithms alone. In 2022, it will likely be through Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).

The processes and methods that allow human users to comprehend and trust the results and output created by machine learning will be at the forefront in Security Operations Centers. This focus on time to understanding rather than simply time to alert will advance how companies measure security team effectiveness. There will be an increase in focus on XAI in sharp contrast with the concept of a “black box”, as security experts want to understand AI’s expected impacts and potential biases.

Examples of this include using natural language processing (NLP) to explain the hypotheses behind a cyber-attack, the investigation steps performed by AI, the outcomes of those steps, the recommended actions to take – and even how to prevent the attack from happening again.

“The ‘Great Resignation’ will drive an uptick in insider threat.”

Toby Lewis, Head of Threat Analysis

With the ‘Great Resignation’ of employees during the pandemic, we can expect to see disgruntled employees steal information or employees unintentionally taking information with them to their next job. We have also seen criminal groups attempt to recruit insiders by offering a large sum of money or a portion of the ransom.

Whether intentional or unintentional, insiders will become a growing priority for businesses in 2022. With more organizations relying on cloud communication and collaboration applications, these threats become even more difficult to detect across sprawling digital infrastructures. With employees working remotely, enforcing the return of equipment and data will become even more difficult.

Organizations will rely more heavily on security technology that understands employee behavior from multiple angles, including cloud, SaaS, user, and the endpoint. This technology automatically takes action when an employee behaves out of character – by sending emails to outside sources, accessing files they usually wouldn’t, or other anomalous activities. These approaches will work alongside new zero trust technologies and adhere to zero trust architectures to protect organizations from insider threats.

“AI innovations help defenders proactively simulate attacks.”

Nicole Eagan, Chief Strategy Officer, AI Officer

AI has delivered various crucial innovations in the defensive cyber security space for threat detection, investigation, and response. 2022 will see AI innovations expand from a focus on defense to adjacent areas, such as proactive security and attack simulations.

Recent advancements that enable AI to perform attack path modeling, adversary simulation, and continuous red teaming will enable organizations to visualize and test the most probable scenarios of concern and mitigate cyber risks with safety measures and controls. The fundamental priorities of cyber security organizations will change shape as they place more focus on emerging technologies to identify vulnerabilities, launch controlled attacks, and test their defenses.

While this so-called proactive and predictive approach to managing cyber risk hasn’t hit the boardroom just yet, it has the potential to change how companies, regulators, audit committees, and cyber insurance companies assess their future cyber risk.

Thank you to all of our subject matter experts for providing supplementary insights to support these predictions.

Darktrace cyber analysts are world-class experts in threat intelligence, threat hunting and incident response, and provide 24/7 SOC support to thousands of Darktrace customers around the globe. Inside the SOC is exclusively authored by these experts, providing analysis of cyber incidents and threat trends, based on real-world experience in the field.
Justin Fier
SVP, Red Team Operations

Justin is one of the US’s leading cyber intelligence experts, and holds the position of SVP, Red Team Operations at Darktrace. His insights on cyber security and artificial intelligence have been widely reported in leading media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Washington Post, and VICELAND. With over 10 years’ experience in cyber defense, Justin has supported various elements in the US intelligence community, holding mission-critical security roles with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems and Abraxas. Justin is also a highly-skilled technical specialist, and works with Darktrace’s strategic global customers on threat analysis, defensive cyber operations, protecting IoT, and machine learning.

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Darktrace: Microsoft UK Partner of the Year 2024

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Jun 2024

Darktrace has been named as Microsoft UK Partner of the Year for 2024!    
The Microsoft Partner Awards recognize winners for their commitment to customers, impact of solutions, and exemplary use of Microsoft technologies.  

Whilst the award was granted based on our innovations combining Darktrace/Email and Microsoft Defender for Office 365, our shared values go beyond technology. Darktrace stood out for the integration of our products to deliver exceptional security value to customers, as well as our investment in partnerships, marketplace and go to market. Microsoft was also impressed with our strong commitment to diversity and inclusion and our broader contribution to both the UK economy and the UK tech sector.

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 + Darktrace/Email leave attackers nowhere to hide

The email threat landscape is constantly evolving. Attacks are becoming more sophisticated, more targeted and increasing in multi-stage payload attacks. Across the Darktrace customer base in 2023 alone, we have seen a 135% increase in ‘novel social engineering attacks’, corresponding with the rise of ChatGPT, 45% of phishing emails were identified as spear phishing attempts and a 59% increase in multi-stage payload attacks.  

Legacy defenses were built to address a high volume of unsophisticated attacks, but generative AI has shifted the threats towards lower quantity yet very sophisticated, high impact targeted attacks. Microsoft Defender for Office 365’s rapid innovation has outpaced the Secure Email Gateway’s rule and signature based historical data approach. Customers no longer need email gateways which duplicate workflows and add expense native to their Defender for O365 solution.    

Point email solutions overlap with Microsoft in 3 key areas: detection approach, workflows, capabilities  

  • Detection - Microsoft receives trillions threat signals daily, giving customers the broadest scope of the attack landscape. Darktrace combined with Microsoft unites business and attack centric approaches
  • Workflows – any Microsoft configurations are reflected automatically in Darktrace/Email. Users can keep daily workflow in Microsoft, while a traditional SEG requires duplicated workflows  
  • Capabilities – Microsoft handles foundational elements like archiving/encryption/signature matching while Darktrace handles advanced threat security

Darktrace/Email is built to elevate, not duplicate, Microsoft email security – removing the burden of operating legacy point solutions and blocking 25% more threats. Robust account takeover protections to stop the 38% of sophisticated threats other tools miss. Customers can seamlessly correlate activity and insights across Microsoft email, DMARC and Teams to stop threats on average 13 days earlier.  

Azure Marketplace

Microsoft Azure customers can access Darktrace in the Azure Marketplace to take advantage of the scalability, reliability, and agility of Azure to drive rapid IT operations and security integrations across the enterprise. Customers can leverage their Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitments (MACC), making procurement simple.

As UK Partner of the Year winner, customers know they have a trusted partner with Darktrace and a proven solution to work seamlessly with Azure.

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About the author
Francesca Bowen
Global Vice President, Cloud GTM


Inside the SOC

Following up on our Conversation: Detecting & Containing a LinkedIn Phishing Attack with Darktrace

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Jun 2024

Note: Real organization, domain and user names have been modified and replaced with fictitious names to maintain anonymity.  

Social media cyber-attacks

Social media is a known breeding ground for cyber criminals to easily connect with a near limitless number of people and leverage the wealth of personal information shared on these platforms to defraud the general public.  Analysis suggests even the most tech savvy ‘digital natives’ are vulnerable to impersonation scams over social media, as criminals weaponize brands and trends, using the promise of greater returns to induce sensitive information sharing or fraudulent payments [1].

LinkedIn phishing

As the usage of a particular social media platform increases, cyber criminals will find ways to exploit the increasing user base, and this trend has been observed with the rise in LinkedIn scams in recent years [2].  LinkedIn is the dominant professional networking site, with a forecasted 84.1million users by 2027 [3].  This platform is data-driven, so users are encouraged to share information publicly, including personal life updates, to boost visibility and increase job prospects [4] [5].  While this helps legitimate recruiters to gain a good understanding of the user, an attacker could also leverage the same personal content to increase the sophistication and success of their social engineering attempts.  

Darktrace detection of LinkedIn phishing

Darktrace detected a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) compromise affecting a construction company, where the attack vector originated from LinkedIn (outside the monitoring of corporate security tools), but then pivoted to corporate email where a credential harvesting payload was delivered, providing the attacker with credentials to access a corporate file storage platform.  

Because LinkedIn accounts are typically linked to an individual’s personal email and are most commonly accessed via the mobile application [6] on personal devices that are not monitored by security teams, it can represent an effective initial access point for attackers looking to establish an initial relationship with their target. Moreover, user behaviors to ignore unsolicited emails from new or unknown contacts are less frequently carried over to platforms like LinkedIn, where interactions with ‘weak ties’ as opposed to ‘strong ties’ are a better predictor of job mobility [7]. Had this attack been allowed to continue, the threat actor could have leveraged access to further information from the compromised business cloud account to compromise other high value accounts, exfiltrate sensitive data, or defraud the organization.

LinkedIn phishing attack details


The initial reconnaissance and social engineering occurred on LinkedIn and was thus outside the purview of corporate security tools, Darktrace included.

However, the email domain “hausconstruction[.]com” used by the attacker in subsequent communications appears to be a spoofed domain impersonating a legitimate construction company “haus[.]com”, suggesting the attacker may have also impersonated an employee of this construction company on LinkedIn.  In addition to spoofing the domain, the attacker seemingly went further to register “” on a commercial web hosting platform.  This is a technique used frequently not just to increase apparent legitimacy, but also to bypass traditional security tools since newly registered domains will have no prior threat intelligence, making them more likely to evade signature and rules-based detections [8].  In this instance, open-source intelligence (OSINT) sources report that the domain was created several months earlier, suggesting this may have been part of a targeted attack on construction companies.  

Initial Intrusion

It was likely that during the correspondence over LinkedIn, the target user was solicited into following up over email regarding a prospective construction project, using their corporate email account.  In a probable attempt to establish a precedent of bi-directional correspondence so that subsequent malicious emails would not be flagged by traditional security tools, the attacker did not initially include suspicious links, attachments or use solicitous or inducive language within their initial emails.

Example of bi-directional email correspondence between the target and the attacker impersonating a legitimate employee of the construction company
Figure 1: Example of bi-directional email correspondence between the target and the attacker impersonating a legitimate employee of the construction company
Cyber AI Analyst investigation into one of the initial emails the target received from the attacker.
Figure 2: Cyber AI Analyst investigation into one of the initial emails the target received from the attacker.  

To accomplish the next stage of their attack, the attacker shared a link, hidden behind the inducing text “VIEW ALL FILES”, to a malicious file using the Hightail cloud storage service. This is also a common method employed by attackers to evade detection, as this method of file sharing does not involve attachments that can be scanned by traditional security tools, and legitimate cloud storage services are less likely to be blocked.

OSINT analysis on the malicious link link shows the file hosted on Hightail was a HTML file with the associated message “Following up on our LinkedIn conversation”.  Further analysis suggests the file contained obfuscated Javascript that, once opened, would automatically redirect the user to a malicious domain impersonating a legitimate Microsoft login page for credential harvesting purposes.  

The malicious HTML file containing obfuscated Javascript, where the highlighted string references the malicious credential harvesting domain.
Figure 3: The malicious HTML file containing obfuscated Javascript, where the highlighted string references the malicious credential harvesting domain.
Screenshot of fraudulent Microsoft Sign In page hosted on the malicous credential harvesting domain.
Figure 4: Screenshot of fraudulent Microsoft Sign In page hosted on the malicious credential harvesting domain.

Although there was prior email correspondence with the attacker, this email was not automatically deemed safe by Darktrace and was further analyzed for unusual properties and unusual communications for the recipient and the recipient’s peer group.  

Darktrace determined that:

  • It was unusual for this file storage solution to be referenced in communications to the user and the wider network
  • Textual properties of the email body suggested a high level of inducement from the sender, with a high level of focus on the phishing link.
  • The full link contained suspicious properties suggesting it is high risk.
Darktrace’s analysis of the phishing email, presenting key information about the unusual characteristics of this email, information on highlighted content, and an overview of actions that were initially applied.
Figure 5: Darktrace’s analysis of the phishing email, presenting key information about the unusual characteristics of this email, information on highlighted content, and an overview of actions that were initially applied.  

Based on these anomalies, Darktrace initially moved the phishing email to the junk folder and locked the link, preventing the user from directly accessing the malicious file hosted on Hightail.  However, the customer’s security team released the email, likely upon end-user request, allowing the target user to access the file and ultimately enter their credentials into that credential harvesting domain.

Darktrace alerts triggered by the malicious phishing email and the corresponding Autonomous Response actions.
Figure 6: Darktrace alerts triggered by the malicious phishing email and the corresponding Autonomous Response actions.

Lateral Movement

Correspondence between the attacker and target continued for two days after the credential harvesting payload was delivered.  Five days later, Darktrace detected an unusual login using multi-factor authentication (MFA) from a rare external IP and ASN that coincided with Darktrace/Email logs showing access to the credential harvesting link.

This attempt to bypass MFA, known as an Office365 Shell WCSS attack, was likely achieved by inducing the target to enter their credentials and legitimate MFA token into the fake Microsoft login page. This was then relayed to Microsoft by the attacker and used to obtain a legitimate session. The attacker then reused the legitimate token to log into Exchange Online from a different IP and registered the compromised device for MFA.

Screenshot within Darktrace/Email of the phishing email that was released by the security team, showing the recipient clicked the link to file storage where the malicious payload was stored.
Figure 7: Screenshot within Darktrace/Email of the phishing email that was released by the security team, showing the recipient clicked the link to file storage where the malicious payload was stored.
Event Log showing a malicious login and MFA bypass at 17:57:16, shortly after the link was clicked.  Highlighted in green is activity from the legitimate user prior to the malicious login, using Edge.
Figure 8: Event Log showing a malicious login and MFA bypass at 17:57:16, shortly after the link was clicked.  Highlighted in green is activity from the legitimate user prior to the malicious login, using Edge. Highlighted in orange and red is the malicious activity using Chrome.

The IP addresses used by the attacker appear to be part of anonymization infrastructure, but are not associated with any known indicators of compromise (IoCs) that signature-based detections would identify [9] [10].

In addition to  logins being observed within half an hour of each other from multiple geographically impossible locations (San Francisco and Phoenix), the unexpected usage of Chrome browser, compared to Edge browser previously used, provided Darktrace with further evidence that this activity was unlikely to originate from the legitimate user.  Although the user was a salesperson who frequently travelled for their role, Darktrace’s Self-Learning AI understood that the multiple logins from these locations was highly unusual at the user and group level, and coupled with the subsequent unexpected account modification, was a likely indicator of account compromise.  

Accomplish mission

Although the email had been manually released by the security team, allowing the attack to propagate, additional layers of defense were triggered as Darktrace's Autonomous Response initiated “Disable User” actions upon detection of the multiple unusual logins and the unauthorized registration of security information.  

However, the customer had configured Autonomous Response to require human confirmation, therefore no actions were taken until the security team manually approved them over two hours later. In that time, access to mail items and other SharePoint files from the unusual IP address was detected, suggesting a potential loss of confidentiality to business data.

Advanced Search query showing several FilePreviewed and MailItemsAccessed events from either the IPs used by the attacker, or using the software Chrome.  Note some of the activity originated from Microsoft IPs which may be whitelisted by traditional security tools.
Figure 9: Advanced Search query showing several FilePreviewed and MailItemsAccessed events from either the IPs used by the attacker, or using the software Chrome.  Note some of the activity originated from Microsoft IPs which may be whitelisted by traditional security tools.

However, it appears that the attacker was able to maintain access to the compromised account, as login and mail access events from 199.231.85[.]153 continued to be observed until the afternoon of the next day.  


This incident demonstrates the necessity of AI to security teams, with Darktrace’s ActiveAI Security Platform detecting a sophisticated phishing attack where human judgement fell short and initiated a real-time response when security teams could not physically respond as fast.  

Security teams are very familiar with social engineering and impersonation attempts, but these attacks remain highly prevalent due to the widespread adoption of technologies that enable these techniques to be deployed with great sophistication and ease.  In particular, the popularity of information-rich platforms like LinkedIn that are geared towards connecting with unknown people make it an attractive initial access point for malicious attackers.

In the second half of 2023 alone, over 200 thousand fake profiles were reported by members on LinkedIn [11].  Fake profiles can be highly sophisticated, use professional images, contain compelling descriptions, reference legitimate company listings and present believable credentials.  

It is unrealistic to expect end users to defend themselves against such sophisticated impersonation attempts. Moreover, it is extremely difficult for human defenders to recognize every fraudulent interaction amidst a sea of fake profiles. Instead, defenders should leverage AI, which can conduct autonomous investigations without human biases and limitations. AI-driven security can ensure successful detection of fraudulent or malicious activity by learning what real users and devices look like and identifying deviations from their learned behaviors that may indicate an emerging threat.


Darktrace Model Detections


SaaS / Compromise / SaaS Anomaly Following Anomalous Login

SaaS / Compromise / Unusual Login and Account Update

SaaS / Unusual Activity / Multiple Unusual External Sources For SaaS Credential

SaaS / Access / Unusual External Source for SaaS Credential Use

SaaS / Compliance / M365 Security Information Modified


Antigena / SaaS / Antigena Suspicious SaaS Activity Block

Antigena / SaaS / Antigena Unusual Activity Block


·      Link / High Risk Link + Low Sender Association

·      Link / New Correspondent Classified Link

·      Link / Watched Link Type

·      Antigena Anomaly

·      Association / Unknown Sender

·      History / New Sender

·      Link / Link to File Storage

·      Link / Link to File Storage + Unknown Sender

·      Link / Low Link Association

List of IoCs

·      142.252.106[.]251 - IP            - Possible malicious IP used by attacker during cloud account compromise

·      199.231.85[.]153 – IP - Probable malicious IP used by attacker during cloud account compromise

·      vukoqo.hebakyon[.]com – Endpoint - Credential harvesting endpoint


·      Resource Development - T1586 - Compromise Accounts

·      Resource Development - T1598.003 – Spearphishing Link

·      Persistence - T1078.004 - Cloud Accounts

·      Persistence - T1556.006 - Modify Authentication Process: Multi-Factor Authentication

·      Reconnaissance - T1593.001 – Social Media

·      Reconnaissance - T1598 – Phishing for Information

·      Reconnaissance - T1589.001 – Credentials

·      Reconnaissance - T1591.002 – Business Relationships

·      Collection - T1111 – Multifactor Authentication Interception

·      Collection - T1539 – Steal Web Session Cookie

·      Lateral Movement - T1021.007 – Cloud Services

·      Lateral Movement - T1213.002 - Sharepoint


[1] Jessica Barker, Hacked: The secrets behind cyber attacks, (London: Kogan Page, 2024), p. 130-146.











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About the author
Nicole Wong
Cyber Security Analyst
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